Thursday, September 25, 2008

We're doing a Web Series....

My old friend David Faustino called last week to see if we would do the casting on a new project he is producing. It's a web series based on a fictionalized version of himself. You remember David as "Bud Bundy" from "Married... with Children". I watched the pilot, which he already made, and it is hilarious. There is a special appearance by Ed O'Neill (Al Bundy) and the series is going to be lots of fun. There are some pretty outrageous characters. We'll be doing it on a shoestring budget, but I think we will enjoy the process. Also playing a prominent role is Corin Nemec - who you might remember from "Parker Lewis can't Lose". He is one of David's best friends in real life, and plays himself in the series.

We may open up the audition process on the AreUaStar website to allow actors to submit themselves for available roles. Stay tuned for more on that idea.

I'll have some updates as to the positives and the challenges of casting a web series once we begin.

Had a hard time getting into the series premiere of "Heroes" - once my very favorite show. Hopefully I can get swept back up into it. Any reaction out there on new series premieres?

Wanted to let you know that the membership of the Casting Union (Teamsters Local 399) overwhelmingly voted to ratify the contract for a 3 year term. Phew, guess this means we can all keep working.... oh, wait a minute.. there's still a pseudo SAG strike clogging everything up. Well, hopefully that will be over soon and we can all get back to full steam. Kudos to the rest of the Union Steering Committee for all their hard work on making gains and helping Casting Directors to get pension and health benefits.

Actor of the week: Sara Swain. Sara stars in a short movie that I cast called "Boutonniere". I saw a screening of it last week and all the cast was great. Congrats to writer/director Coley Sohn! Speaking of "Heroes", one of the people making a cameo appearance in this short is Zach Quinto, who plays Siler the villian in "Heroes". He plays an effeminite dress shop owner in our short. Here is Sara's info:

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