Monday, September 22, 2008

Look who won an EMMY!

So happy for two of our good friends, Bryan Cranston and Jean Smart - both of whom earned Emmys last night. Bryan won Outstanding Lead Actor for "Breaking Bad" and Jean won Outstanding Supporting Actress for "Samantha Who", which I cast her in. Very pleased about that.

Bryan Cranston is a talented actor - who has really gotten an opportunity to stretch with this cool role in "Breaking Bad"... so many people know him from "Malcolm in the Middle", but this is totally different. He also happens to be a neighbor and friend. You can hear what Bryan has to say about star quality and being an actor in Hollywood on the site.

Ok - let's talk about the Emmys. Other than a nice shot of Ron Leavitt in the memorial section, I thought the evening was a disaster. The writing was awful, the use of the 5 reality hosts fell flat. Were those first 8 minutes not the most painful you have ever witnessed in television?

If I were a viewer with no stake in the TV biz, I would never tune in to that show again. But happy with the wins for our peeps. On a down side, came into my office this am to find that someone had broken in and stolen our video cameras. What a drag. As you can imagine, video cameras are a necessity in running a casting office. So, we'll just have to make sure we don't leave any of those kind of things at the office anymore.... or get better insurance.

Have an emmylicious week. Congrats Bryan and Jean!!

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