Friday, September 12, 2008

Casting Directors reach agreement with AMPTP

So, the good news is that we were able to come to a tentative agreement last night with the AMPTP. I can't yet discuss the deal terms, because we have to present them to the Casting Directors and Associates for ratification. Hopefully that will happen in the next couple of weeks. Glad to be putting the negotiations behind us and moving forward. We really appreciate the support of our Teamster brothers & sisters. I know it sounds corny, but they are so awesome and behind us, and alongside us all the way.

It's a little frustrating, of course, because we only got pension, health and welfare a couple of years ago. While those of us who have been doing this for a long time won't have a substantial pension when we retire, we are so happy for the younger Casting Directors and associates for whom this is now a career that will provide them with lifetime medical and pension benefits. That is a good thing!

We hope to start another small feature in the next few weeks. It's a horror comedy, small budget film being directed by a friend. I'll talk more about it once we start working on it, but it's a fun script and I'm looking forward to doing it.

I'm enjoying the new season of Project Runway. Was sorry to see Blayne go. He's fun. I am also enjoying Top Design. Is it wrong for a Casting Director who depends on scripted series for her livelihood to love these reality shows so much?

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