Monday, November 24, 2008

"Maneater" - our latest project!

Good news! We've just started a 4 hour miniseries for Lifetime Networks called "Maneater" based on the book of the same name by Gigi Levangie Grazer (The Starter Wife). The script is written by Suzanne Martin, and I'll be able to share with you the name of the actress playing the lead shortly.

This is a funny and entertaining script, kind of a "Sex in the City" vibe, set in Beverly Hills. We'll be working on the 12 lead roles, including great roles for the lead's parents (Mother: 50's, very attractive Latina and Father: 60's, playboy type of guy, whose style is stuck in the 70's). Looking forward to finding some great people and assembling a wonderful cast. I'll write more about it in the upcoming blogs. This will shoot in February, most likely in the San Diego area.

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