Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Idol - America gets it wrong

Wow - I'm very sad tonight at the outcome of American Idol. To me it was such an incredibly clear outcome, but much like politics, there are often many people who see it differently. I think Kris Allen is cute, but Adam Lambert has so much star quality and insane vocal power. He'll end up having a much bigger career than Kris - who I believe will fade away like Taylor Hicks.

I didn't know it would bother me as much as it does, but I really am shocked.

Wanted to report back on the Milan Film Festival, where "Boutonniere" has it's European premiere. It was very exciting to be there for the festival. There were some terrific shorts and some pretty awful ones as well. The one I enjoyed the most was "Mother, Mine" by British filmmaker Susan Everett. This is a dark and twisted short, which I thought had terrific promise as a full length feature. "Boutonniere" was very well received, although the subject matter of homeschooling was a foreign concept to the Italian audience. People asked many questions about it. The audience enjoying seeing Zach Quinto in his cameo role, as "Star Trek" had just opened 3 days prior.

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