Saturday, January 17, 2009

From Sundance

It's day 2 for me at the Sundance Film Festival. My short film that I Executive Produced and cast, "Boutonniere" premiered last night in the short category. There were about 300 people in the audience, and the film - which stars Wendi McClendon-Covey (Reno 911), Zach Quinto (Heroes) and ndwcomer Sara Swain- got a great audience response! The writer/director Coley Sohn attended, as did Sara Swain and the other Exec. Producers. It was a late night showing, but the audience was alert and enthusiastic, laughing a lot at the characters and the content.

You can watch the trailer here.

We were also thrilled to get great reviews of our film "Pedro" that is showing this weekend at the Palm Springs Film Festival. This particular review pays very positive attention to the casting.

Also, check out the David Faustino webseries "Starv-ing" that we cast. The first episode is now available at the Sony Digital site Remember, it's pretty dark, funny and adult content so just be aware there will be some language and content that may not be appropriate for all.

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