Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Post Pilot thoughts

We wrapped the Adam Carolla pilot on Friday.  It was really a fun project, from start to finish... however we did make a casting change since my last post.  The pilot was written with a very specific sidekick for Carolla.  Adam has a buddy named Oswaldo Castillo who has been his construction partner and friend for many years.  Ozzie was also in Adam's movie "The Hammer".  But when we went to cast the role, we were given the task of finding an actor with experience to play the part.  This was not an easy task - as Ozzie is a 45 year old, chubby fella from Nicaragua who speaks with a heavy accent.  We didn't want the character to feel like a cartoon - it had to be authentic.  So we cast a wonderful NY actor Victor Cruz, but replaced him because he felt too young for the role.  So, Oswaldo Castillo was called in and did a great job.  While he isn't a trained actor, he has a certain look and quality to him that is authentic and lovable.

Adam Carolla is a really funny guy.  I knew he was smart, and funny from the radio - but he has strong acting instincts as well.  A very nice group of producers on this project.  When you work with nice people, I think you work harder and better.  We'll know about a pickup sometime in May.  Fingers crossed.

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